Tuesday, March 14, 2023

Throwback London Oct 2022

Throwback London 2022

Plan nak pergi bercuti ke London tu dah lama meniti di bibir. Tak mahu berangan lebih, sebab kita hanya mampu merancang, akhirnya Allah SWT jua penentu rezeki.

Akhirnya impian kecil ini terlaksana jua. Bagaikan bermimpi, dapat jejak kaki semula di bumi London setelah lebih 20 tahun. Hebat percaturan Allah. Ini perjalanan ke-2 kami ke luar negara setelah hampir 5 tahun berkahwin. Covid-19 telah merubah kehidupan, punya 1001 kenangan pahit dan manis. Sesungguhnya pasti ada sesuatu yang Allah SWT ingin kita belajar dan hayati hikmah di sebalik apa yang telah berlaku. 

Segala puji bagi Allah SWT. Masih diberi peluang untuk teruskan kehidupan, menghirup udara segar, meniti hari-hari bersama yang tersayang. Semua ini rezeki. Syukur ya Allah Alhamdulillah. 

Sunday, March 5, 2023

Its March 2023!

Dear Diary,

How i wish i could spend more time blogging in here, because i had so much to share; on my study life, working life, vacation trip and so on.

Time is so precious and i had to juggling in between to ensure i have a work life balance - more time to spend with Hubby and fam during weekend. 

Wednesday, August 25, 2021

Its 2021, and I'm back!

Assalamualaikum Wrt Wbt,

Hampir setahun lebih berlalu sejak COVID-19 pandemik melanda dunia. Ramai yang terkesan. Sektor ekonomi lumpuh. Ramai yang hilang pekerjaan. Perniagaan tak dapat berlangsung seperti kebiasaan. Ramai yang gulung tikar kerana sudah tidak mampu menanggung kerugian. Makin lama makin rugi, siapa sahaja yang mampu bertahan.

Norma baharu diperkenalkan. Semua demi menjaga kemaslahatan dan kesejahteraan bersama. Ada Standard Operasi Prosedur yang perlu dipatuhi. Bukan suka-suka. Bukan kerana ikut trend. Bukan kerana ini agenda barat. Barat pun terkesan. Keluar rumah perlu memakai mask. Sebelum masuk ke mana-mana gedung dan kedai, pastikan ada aplikasi MySejahtera. Sudah ada aplikasi, perlu pulak dipastikan ia dikemas kini. Kehidupan tidak sebebas dahulu. Rasa terkurung. Jiwa memberontak. Rakyat menderita. Mungkin ada yang sudah tidak mampu menyediakan sajian di atas meja. Mengikat perut meniti hari-hari yang masih belum nampak sinarnya.

Aku antara orang-orang yang beruntung. Masih punya pekerjaan, masih mewah makan, tidak terlalu terkesan dengan keadaan ekonomi semasa cumanya kuasa membeli makin berkurang kerana lebih banyak menyimpan dek mengambil sikap lebih berhati-hati mengatur langkah kehidupan. Alhamdulillah aku bersyukur. Rezeki ini untuk mama dan adik-adik. Untuk suami. Untuk orang-orang disekelilingku. Sanak saudara yang perlu dibantu..Kaum kerabat yang perlu diambil berat. Nenek di kampung yang sentiasa menunggu hujung bulan dimasukkan duit belanja dan perubatannya. Allahuakbar selagi aku masih hidup, mampu bekerja dan dikurniakan rezeki oleh Allah SWT, kebajikan mereka semua mudah-mudahan terjaga. Permudahkan lah ya Allah. 

Monday, April 6, 2020

Hello 2020, I'm back!

Hi Everything (please google haha)..
Dear everyone, 

I'm back again to my digital diary. It's been 4 years since my last post in this blog MashaAllah MashaAllah imagine, 4 years!

I was completely out of this blogging world. Busy with my career i guess. Or perhaps was toooo busy looking for my other half haha. 

Many things have changed ever since and it is very interesting and important for me to highlight it here.

First story: 

I'm Mrs Nik

On 21st April 2018, I married my dear husband. My handsome charming dreams come true mamak-looked version husband who i met in May 2017 (^-^) We got married in less than a year. Little did i know that i will going to marry a Kelantanese! Far from my imagination haha

So, how did i met him? 

It was such a long story but to make it short, we found each other in baitulmuslim.com - it is one of halal dating online website set up in Malaysia that you can trust with. Believe me! I recommend it to all Asian single ladies out there. Please register! 

The truth is, above all Allah has showed us the way, the Almighty who allowed this to happen. It became so smooth for both of us, for both of our families, for us all. Allah has touched his heart to make the first move to message me and with His guidance, i finally replied to his message after quite sometime. I was about to give up, was about to ask the website admin to close my account profile cause i didn't see my future in there, you know what i mean..But suddenly, Allah showed me the way. There's light in the end. 

Alhamdulillah. Feel so grateful and blessed that Allah has given me a wonderful husband after a very long journey of finding a right man. Same goes to him. 

I was 33 when we got married. And he was 38. Both of us were single. And both of us were genuinely looking for a spouse when we first sign up for the website. It was a pure intention and Allah knows.

Once i asked him "Kenapa awak tak kahwin lagi?" and he answered "tak jumpa orang yang sesuai + belum sampai jodoh" (that's exactly the same answer i did whenever people ask me, so cliche kan haha)

Alhamdulillah, we are now counting days to our 2nd anniversary. I love him. Truly in love with him. He is such an amazing, loving and caring person. Loves to cook and great at kitchen. Never a day goes by without him saying "I Love You".  Ya Allah, i must have done something good to deserve this. Thank you Allah!

So that's my story on how i met my husband. Since it was an online dating (not really a date), least thing that i know was about his family background. The first thing i get to know - he is a Pharmacist LoL. 

One fine day, i will share how was it to be our first time meeting (should i call it dating? haha). Alhamdulillah. 

Second Story:

New Job

In August 2019, i finally resigned from AmBank Islamic after 8 years of serving. It was such a big decision but i had to for my career advancement. Sad for everybody yes i know this, but i believe the time has come for me to move on and gain new experiences. Alhamdulillah i'm happy with my decision and never regret. 

Thank you Allah for giving me guidance and direction. And thank you Husband for being my top booster, for all the motivation, encouragement and constant support. Without Allah's will and without you by my side i don't think i can go this far. I guess its true what people say that "two is better than one".  Eventually, the right partner will become your big Why for all the good things in this life and Inshallah in hereafter. 

Third Story:

New Hobby

I started to develop the hobby of writing on TN journal, with fountain pen. TN stands for Travelers Company Notebook. You can easily find it on instagram hashtag #TNjournal or #TNweekly. I bought TN from cziplee.com and  fountain pens from pengallery.com Please check it out. Trust me, you won't regret. 

Fourth Story:

2019 - 2020


I will continue to write about it later. Not because it is not important, it is indeed VERY IMPORTANT TO NOTE but after all it is something that everyone is currently afraid of. Number of death cases is increasing globally...only Allah SWT can help us. 

You may download app "Newswav" to keep updated with the Covid-19 Statistic.

Till we meet again in the next post, InshaAllah. 

Sunday, September 11, 2016

I fall in love with souls, not faces.

It has been months since my last post. Alhamdulillah we finally moved to the new house. A new place that we can call home. Mom decided to have a smaller room for her and abah, hence she gave the master bedroom for me and Eeqah to occupy. Mama said, she is tired of having big room so she gave up and leave it to us. Its big, I tell you. Really big. There was one time when Eeqah brought along her friends home; 8 of them and everyone was happy enough sleeping comfortably in the room. Alhamdulillah, for all the rizqun and nikmah.
Apart of the above, hmmm I have a lot of things to share; my working life,  BFF wedding, but don't know where to begin.
Most importantly, my love journey through ups and down which never raise again. Not until the day I wrote this.
Just before Ramadhan, I began a journey of knowing someone - a guy. This guy (lets call him Mr. N) who I met in a halal online dating. He sent me a message, saying that he is interested in me by looking at my profile and family background. Oh by the way, he is a booklover just like me. So we share many things in common.
During Ramadhan, both of us took a little break just to give space and time to ourselves. Meaning, we take the opportunity of the holy month of Ramadhan to seek Allah's guidance as to where this relationship going to be.
The result was positive for both of us. During hari Raya, we even shared our family pictures, and started being open up to our family on our relationship. At this point of time, we haven't yet to decide when to meet up for the first time.
I was waiting for him, to ask me to go out. Of course, I was planning not to go alone at least with siblings accompany me around. He didn't give any sign, hence I was telling him that I'm ready if he wants to meet up and he was really happy for that decision. You know, I had never been to this stage, to that extent I felt terribly confused and not confident to face him. I did istikharah every day, I felt calm but he never came into a picture/ imagination. I trust my instinct thus finally we met. Ahmad and Khazieeqah were there as well. It was at a small café, Avenue K Saturday 6 Aug 2016.
We chatted about one hour before we separated. My feeling was full of serenity, peace and I managed to keep calm myself, even I felt I was too confident when talking to him. Too bad he didn't feel the same way I did.
There is saying "dari Mata tidak jatuh ke hati". Exactly it is.
I felt so confused. Especially after read his message thru Whatsapp.
"Alhamdulillah, saya sudah ada keputusannya. A hard and difficult one it is. Tapi setelah istikharah mohon pada Tuhan dan istiyarah dengan orang2 yang saya rapat dan percaya, saya yakin InshaAllah ia keputusan yang baik untuk kita berdoa. Moga-moga.
Jujurnya sebelum kita jumpa tempoh hari di KAvenue, my heart and mind was 80% serene and positive. Tapi setelah kita berjumpa, it become oppositely clea to me that we are not for each other...
You are a nice girl and I still and will always regard you as such. And what a fortunate man will your future husband be. Cuma saya bukanlah lelaki itu....What a blessed girls and boys your future childred wud be. Its just that im not gonna be their father...
I wish I could explain why but I believe it matters only to me. Incompatibility doesnt necesarily mean one person is better than the other. It may also mean one person is better without the other. I think the latter is our case.
Saya mohon maaf kalau, in any way, saya punahkan harapan awak (but of coz i dunno whats ur decision is..), sakitkan hati awak sepanjang perkenalan kita ni. Walaupun tujuan mula berkenalan dulu tidak terkabulkan, saya harus akui yang saya banyak belajar dari awak. For that, thank you and may Allah reward you.
Saya doakan pencarian awak akan berakhir dengan titik bahagia tidak lama lagi.
He did mentioned about 80% feeling serene & positive before we met, so i wonder what makes him change his mind? Does that remaining 20% really matter? Awak telah menenggelamkan 80% tersebut hanya untuk perkara 20%  yang saya sendiri tidak tahu apakah ia.
Everyone was crazy and mad at him. Mama, Abah, Adik especially Ahmad and Khazieeqah. Me too. I felt humiliated in a way, but this is life and we are dealing with human. We are dealing with someone's heart. He tried to be honest, may be a bit rude, but he got want he want. So brave.
Me - Mungkin ini yang terbaik buat kami. I felt humiliated which only time can heal this. I lost my confidence, but worry not I will regain it back. Its just time. I need more time and space.
Its been a month & 5 days now. Im happier. I bought lots of books and e-book. This week alone i have completed 3 books. Seriously, when you delve into it, you are not lost, but you are struggling to bring back your self.
I think I am happier being single, at least for now. Praise be to Allah for all the test, obstacles. To Him we shall return.
Enough said.

Monday, February 8, 2016

Bayu Sentul Condominium


Kalau nak taip post ni dalam bahasa Melayu, kena tukar keyboard language. And everytime it will turn like this (in chinese)
Or like this (in arabic). inilah akibatnya bila dlm rumah ini ada yg guna bahasa cina ada yang guna bahasa arab.
Ok kembali kepada tujuan asal post hari ni. Nak cerita sikit pasal condo baru Abah beli di Bayu Sentul. Memandangkan aku belum berkahwin (sehingga tarikh post ini ditaip) aku dengan rela hatinya akan mengikut abah berpindah ke rumah baru. Menumpanglah aku lagi di rumah ibu bapa. Nak beli rumah sendiri belum tergerak hati, atau lebih tepat lagi semua harga rumah di KL ni aku rasakan ridiculous. Mahal! Tunggu cukup duit untuk bina rumah di tanah Hulu Langat.
Alhamdulillah kunci sudah diserahkan pertengahan Januari lepas. Sekarang ini kami sedang menunggu kerja-kerja pembaikan defect items selesai. Mama telah memanggil 2 designer untuk cabinets; satu Melayu, satu Cina. Kedua-duanya pun telah datang buat 1st visit dan ukur segala bagai ruang-ruang yang dikira memerlukan kabinet termasuklah dapur dan ruang tamu.
Abah ada satu lagi unit apartment yang disewakan sekitar Kuala Lumpur. Cuma untuk yang ini dia ambil keputuasan untuk menetap terus di sini memandangkan saiznya yang agak luas i.e. 1600 sqf. Sebenarnya abah dah bina sebuah rumah banglo di Johor. Rumah pencen katanya. Dah lebih 13 tahun rumah tu siap tapi kami tak pernah tingggal di situ. Sesekali bila pulang ke kampung kami kemas. Abah tetap dengan keputusannya memilih untuk tinggal di bandar. Lebih selesa di bandar katanya. Kerana faktor tu dia beli condo ni.  Jom kita layan layout condo baru abah di Sentul.
Unit kami paling bawah sekali. Tinggi sedikit dari floor swimming pool & gym. Sebelah je. Buka-buka sliding door master bedroom tu dah terus nampak. Benda ni paling aku suka sbb bolehlah aku gi workout selalu. Tak de alasan jauh la, apalah. Menapak 10 langkah pun tak sampai.
Mama menuruni tangga 
 Gym yang belah kanan gambar, menghadap swimming pool

Ruang tamu - ada 4 panel sliding door 
 Abah tengah dok mengukur area wet kitchen. Kecil je bahagian ni.
Lupa pulak nak ambil gambar dry kitchen
 Bilik tidur 1
 Bilik tidur 2
Bilik tidur utama - penuh sliding door.  Luar tu balcony yang boleh terus nampak pool.
 Bathroom master bedroom

View dari balcony master bedroom belah tepi
 View dari balcony master bedroom belah depan

Tiada dalam gambar ialah bilik air 1 dan 2,room no. 4 serta dry kitchen. So rumah ni ada 4 bilik 3 bilik air. Setiap unit ada  2 parking space.

Esok mama cakap dia nak ke IKEA. Wajib temankan dia. Nak usha & survey blinds untuk panel windows.

Dalam masa terdekat ni pun kami kena uruskan pembelian barang-barang elektrik. Dah google byk review yang kata ada satu kedai letrik kat Puchong ni murah barang2 die. Houses of lighting Puchong. Nanti jika berkesempatan untuk join sekali mama & abah beli barang2 letrik, aku akan share kat sini. Tengoklah macamana excperience beli belah kami. OK ka TAK OK.

Cuma nak bagitau sikitlah apa expectection kami. Abah aku ni jenis cerewet sikit bab2 service ni. Kalau tak tip top jangan haraplah dia nak datang lagi sesebuah kedai tu. Kalau kedai tu murah tapi service macam hampeh sumpah dia tak akan datang lagi. Sanggub bayar mahal kalau servis bagus.

Teringat abah aku first and the last time dia pergi Mydin jalan Masjid India tu.  Tak mahu pergi dah dan memang betul sampai laaa ni tak pernah lagi dia jejak kaki ke situ. Sebab dia kata escalator kecil dan tempat bayaran sempit benar. Ramai orang sampai dia sesak nafas. See...for him customer experience is very important. Aku memang agak CONCERN bila bapa aku komen benda2  cenggini sebab aku kerja Bank. Bab-bab customer service ni memang priority kami. Tu cerita pasal bapak aku. So aku tak tahu sebenarnya apa nak expect untuk first visit to Houses of Lighting tu nanti.

Apapun nantikan review kami.

Tiba-tiba rasa tak sabar pulak nak pindah. Hopefully sebelum puasa semua dah beres.

Doakan kami!

Thank you for reading this post.